
Commercial IT Firm Wins Federal Contract in the IC

Federal contracts, winning federal contracts, government IT


Prior to launching FedTrax, founder Karl Walinskas worked with a small information technology business whose principal revenue stream was customization of Microsoft SharePoint implementations, very profitable at the time. Ultimately Microsoft moved on-premise solutions to a completely online version of the SharePoint product as part of its Office 365 transition, reducing the customization market for its long time partners in this space. The company had a successful commercial business but little in the government market with no Federal contracts.


Karl worked with the customer to identify new commercial and Federal government IT opportunities. The company found new product partners to decrease its reliance on one company and, predominantly, a single product offering. Karl found an innovation opportunity in the intelligence community for an AI, natural language processing solution to meet a government need for information processing and management. This opportunity was not restricted to holders of agency contract vehicles, often the case, and encouraged non-traditional suppliers to offer solutions.


The client company submitted a successful proposal, winning a developmental award with the agency that totaled high 5 figures over a period of performance of approximately a year. The sale represented a departure from historical business, providing a new revenue stream via Federal contracts, and moreover, a new strategic direction for the firm by capitalizing on a previously untapped government market to enable future success.

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