Copy Writing
Capabilities Statements
Federal copy writing takes a few, distinct forms. Capability Statements are the communications currency used by Federal Contract Officers and Program Managers to rapidly understand your company technology and service offerings and what separates you from everyone else. Potential prime contractor partners expect the same. Capability Statements are concise, visually appealing written documents that outline a company’s…
- Core capabilities
- Key technologies
- Past performance, agencies
- NAICs code categories
- Special certifications and security clearances
- Federal contract vehicles primed or where access exists as a partner
- Unique industry, scientific or quality awards
- Government missions or use cases
FedTrax can help you define and will author the copy for this key document and will work with your marketing team to provide just the right graphical presentation for maximum impact.
Blog Posts
Demonstrating thought leadership in a field of specialty provides a competitive edge in the market and lowers the barrier to communication with government prospects. We all know that when a buyer in the market for goods or services vets a provider, the very first place they look is the company website. Blogs have long been used to fuel the marketing engine for companies looking for demand creation and inbound leads, search engine optimization, and demonstrate current proficiency. FedTrax will work with your Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to author and/or ghost write interesting, useful, winning posts. Blog posts are typically short form (600 words or less), and for certain topics can be long form (1200 words max) or divided into a series. FedTrax provides recurring blogs on a sequential basis for continued, fresh content over time.
White papers are technical in nature, designed to provide a solution to a specific technical problem that should have broad, wide-ranging appeal across your customer base. White papers are often the initial, nominal starting point toward engaging the government for Innovation opportunities. These papers are informative and useful on their own, yet often position your technological capability as the answer to the problem discussed. A Product Sheet has many of the elements of a white paper, albeit a bit more overtly promotional on a company’s products.
Due to the technical aspects of the solution, FedTrax will work hand in hand with your engineers and consultants to distill the problem statement and innovative solution into copy that technology AND business focused readers can understand and readily discern value.